Univision Reports Pressure on Obama to Take Direct Action on Immigration

By Jerry Kammer on August 20, 2013

"Under immigration pressure" read the graphic that showed a photograph of President Obama on Univision's evening news Monday. It was the theme of a story that Univision anchor Jorge Ramos introduced by noting that "some activists want the president to do much more for the undocumented."

Reporter Pablo Sanchez cited last week's resolution by the Republican National Committee, which proposed renewable work permits for illegal immigrants rather than a path to citizenship.

"Actions like that make it clear to the activists that as the Republicans return from their recess, they will not advance immigration reform," said Sanchez. "They hope that the president will act unilaterally."

Sanchez spoke to activist George Escobar of Casa de Maryland, an immigrant advocacy organization. Said Escobar, "In truth, we hope that the president will respond. We hope to see a series of creative initiatives."

Continuing that line of thought, Sanchez added, "such as the deferred action that he gave to the DREAMers."