Biden’s New Immigration Policies Protect Western Hemisphere Dictators

By David North on January 26, 2023

An unfortunate by-product of the president’s new migration policies — regarding Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Haiti — is that they relieve the pressure on those countries’ dictators, who are, respectively, Communists, Communists, Communists, and crooks.

These U.S. policies, as described by my colleague Elizabeth Jacobs recently, call for paroles of up to 30,000 aliens each month if they are from Cuba, Nicaragua, or Haiti, with the Venezuelans covered by a similar, earlier scheme.

Above and beyond the negative impacts of oodles of additional people on our already over-stuffed, infrastructure-deficient nation, there is the very positive impact of the exit of these unhappy people on the four dictatorships — these are 30,000 people a month who are guaranteed not to revolt against the Castros and the Ortegas of the world.

Not everyone emigrates from a troubled country. Those in power, or tolerating those in power, do not move. The very poor, and the very old stay put. It is the younger ones, the ones with enough money to travel, who leave — and these are the very people who might be fighting the dictators.

We should know all about this, after the decades-long, sustained failure to do anything about the dictatorship in Cuba; we have been admitting to our shores the very people who should be leading the revolution against the Communist regime there. But they are not doing that; they are enjoying Miami, instead.

We can look even further back in history for insights into the emigration-or-revolt situation. Back in 1789, the huge chunk of the French population that was unhappy with the regime either did not create an emigration strategy to cope with the Bourbons or could not have done so. (France had lost its then major overseas colony, Quebec, a quarter of a century earlier.) With nowhere else to go, they visited the Bastille.

Stopping emigration from the four nations to the U.S. apparently strikes the Biden administration as heartless; creating policies that will enhance revolutions in those nations will cause some bloodshed, but in the very long run it will be good for those nations, as well as our own.

It’s a tough call, and the White House got it wrong.